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My Maui


I've had Maui for over ten years.  Tonight when I came home from work he came up near me & peed on a new rug (he normally goes out side) and while I watched him do it, I noticed blood in the urine.  I think he is deliberately trying to show me.  Should I take him to a vet?  I have nothing but terrible experiences with our local Vet's here.   Please help!

Hi Vic,

Yes get him to vet right away. He has some sort of urinary tract infection. If you are not happy with your local vet then change him. I travel 20 miles to my vet because I don't like the local ones either. Find one you can trust and are happy with. But get Maui to a vet. He needs treatment. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen