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My Cats Hind Legs


Hi Ali, My name is Rhianna and I have a two year old domestic short haired female cat, and I don't really know how to describe my question, Or if i should even be worried but i need someone elses opinion. My cat is healthy 2 yr old who is eating well, grooming on a regular basis, active, goes to the bathroom regularly, does everything a normal cat would do(indoor cat) but one unusual thing i've notice she sometimes acts like her hind legs are bothering her... She walks fine, jumps up and down from places, runs around, but when its seems like its bothering her she'll look back at her side and sometimes meows and sometimes not, but she'll gently bite them,On both legs. And like i said before nothing else has change with her behavior, I have checked her legs time and time again, there is nothing physically wrong like wounds or scratches or anything. I don't if its something wrong with her or what the problem is my next step is the vet, but i just wondered if you would know anything about this???? Thanks Rhianna (p.s. Sorry it was so long!)


You should take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. She may have nerve pain or some sort of issue that is causing her to act this way. It could even be anxiety related and the sooner you treat her the more likely success will happen for her treatment. She may even have to wear an elizabethan collar to prevent her from damaging herself...I wish that I was able to offer more, but unfortunately this is a medical issue and should be dealt with promptly. Good luck, and if you wouldn't mind I would appreciate if you let me know what the final diagnosis is just in case someone else asks the same question at a later date. Please feel free to contact me again if you have any further questions or concerns.