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my cat has not come home


Hi ive had my male cat just over a year now and before i had him he lived with a friend and was an outdoor cat. When i took him in he became an indoor cat and didn't seem to want to go outside. However yesterday he kept jumping at the door wanting to go outside so i let him out. I haven't seen him since. I've been out and shaked the cat food but all i got was about 4 other cats instead! im wondering if maybe he has gone back to his old owners as they used to only live a few streets away but they have since moved so cant get them to check! Is there anything i can do or do i just wait till he comes home himself?

cats will often go on walk about when they first get the cahnce to go out and this can take them away from home for a few days if not in some cases weeks. My sisters cat went missing only two days after moving in with her, he was gone for 9 days and then just turned up.

If i was you i would continue to call him and leave food out. Also perhaps put a few posters up in near bu streets.

usually act will come home on there own once they have explored the area.

here is my webpage about missing cats for your information

best wishes kate