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Potty problems after giving birth


My cat had just given birth. That was her first time. What I am concerned with is that after giving birth, she doesn't want to use the litter box. Instead, now, she poops around the litter box. What can seem be the problem?

Hi Nabilah,

Congrats on the new additions. Usually the reason for a cat not using a litter box is that it is associating the box with some pain it's had or has. Can you think of anything that might have caused her pain? Was she constipated? Did she have her kits near the box? You might want to have her checked out by a vet to make sure all is okay with her. Then if she checks out okay you can try to follow this advice. Try to find similar items in your area. This is a guide only.

Use an enzymatic cleaner. This will help remove temptation to use the wrong area. Get her a litter box like this.  A new box will help. And I've found that this box is just what cats love.

Get this scoop for it. Makes your life easier.

Try using this litter.  

Pet Smart and other stores carry it. You can find it on the interent. It should help her getting used to the box again. If she doesn't like it try a natural non clay type of litter. Change in litter texture could make a difference.

You can give her this. Or something like it.

Might calm her down and remove some of her fear of the box. She's under some stress. Also try some Feliway Comfort Zone. This will also help.

I think if you do this stuff she will start to use the box again. Also positive reinforcement helps. When she uses the box and you see her do it, praise her. I believe you will see a big change in her soon. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen