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A cat recently given birth



I cat gave birth a week ago and now she is like trying to
run away from home also makes a sound like PRRRRRR...and keeps rolling on the floor. The
kittens are healthy and growing day by day. Please
advice...thank you.

Hi Mohamed.  It sounds possible that she is already searching for another male and is ready to become pregnant again.  This usually happens when the kittens are around 6 weeks or older but sometimes happens when the kittens are only a couple days.  If there is any way to do so, please try to keep the mother inside.  If she wanders away for long hours, the kittens are in danger of starving.  And if she does become pregnant again, the nursing kittens' nutrition may suffer, as well as the unborn kittens' and the mother's.  

The alternative is that you could bring her to the vet right now to see if she is in heat (able to get pregnant).  If she is, the vet can give her an injection of a medication called megestrol acetate that should stop her from getting pregnant, but it usually doesn't interfere with milk production.  As soon as these kittens are old enough to stop nursing, you can have the mother surgically spayed so she can no longer become pregnant.