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Disliked kitten


Hi i have two older cats a male and female and a dog my male cat is the tomcat yet he his been fixed.... i just got a kitten about 7 weeks 3 days ago i have had him in my sleepout and ive introduced him to all of my animals. My dog has no problem with him but he is very scared of my dog.
Also my other cats really do not like him but he for some reason loves them and keeps trying to go near them im afraid that after hes big anough to go outside by himself that my cats will kill him or really hurt.

I understand that my male cat is protecting his territory and me and the female is probley scared cause shes never seen a small cat is there anything you could recommend??

Thanx a bunch

All the reactions of your animals seem very normal to me. I don't think you have very much to worry about, but I do suggest keeping your new cat inside at all times, and making him an indoor cat for life.

This will allow the other two cats the space they need to be able to get away from the little one, and will make them better friends when they are inside.

The new kitten will get used to the dog soon enough. She's just never seen such a huge, ugly cat before! ;)