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color enhancing shampoos


Hi Norman:  

Recently I went to a cat show and saw a prize winning Maine coon cat that was a gorgeous tabby with copper and brown stripes.  Does the cat owner use some kind of hair color to get that brilliant copper hue or is it a coloring enhancer type shampoo.  If so, what brand of color shampoo would you recommend to highlight a coppery glow?  Thanks much.  


Shampoos cannot give you what is not already there (at least if you play by the rules).  Most color enhancement products make the color of the cat look artificial and the judges should know what to look for.  Good breeding can create that kind of rich color in the brown tabby (the rufousing polygenic system).

We like to use Tomlyns Fiery Bronze Shampoo to highlight good rufousing in the color of our cats. However, there are other products around that might do just as well.  You have to try them.  I would avoid any henna products, any dyes, color rinses or the like as they tend to look very, very artificial and such products are considered intent to deceive which can result in disqualification of the cat on the show bench.

Best regards... Norm.