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Kitten Delivery PROBLEMS


Help!!  My Domestic Shorthair, Princess, is 11 months old and had her first kitten (first litter)over 30 hours ago.  That baby is doing great after about an hour of labor.  For the next 24 hours Princess was eating, sleeping, purring and acting normal - then she acted like she was in labor again.  About a tablespoon of blood came out and she was back to acting normal.  We feel 2 "bumps" in her stomach and I'm fairly sure at least one of them was moving.  It just seems so strange that she's acting "normal."  I'm not rushing off to the Vet only because my $$ situation right now is not great but if you think there are still kittens inside and I'm endangering her life, I'll find the money somehow!  Please advise...

Hi Shari, Is she acting normal again now? Or is she still acting like she has something to push out? It is possible her uterus was just contracting down to size and she pushed out some blood. If one of the bumps in her stomach is moving you MUST get her to the vet !!If they are not moving you may just be feeling her organs. If she is back to behaving normally and she is eating well and drinking and taking care of her one kitten then you probably don't have an immediate worry.. as long as the 'bump' is not moving !