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Very sick young kitten


I just took in 2 very young kittens from a young guy in a park who had had them dropped at his apartment and not only couldn't keep them, but didn't know anything about cat/kitten care.

I took them in because I have a friend who works for the SPCA who said she could take them from me in a few days, so I have them temporarily. They look like they are about 5 weeks old. One of them is doing quite, acting like a normal kitten would. One of them is clearly very sick. She is much too small, doesn't move, and is breathing heavily.

The guy I got them from said he gave them laxatives and a bath. he's been feeding them Step 2 formula. He only had them for 2 days. The sick one is pooping everywhere, exactly like you'd expect after giving her laxatives. I can deal with the mess, but I'd like her to live. Her anus looks like it's popping out just a bit. She won't open her mouth for me to feed her, she's very dirty, and the only time she has moved is after I lay her down on a warm towel- she moved off of it.

What should I do? I only have them for a few days but I will be devestated if the little one dies while she is here. I want her to make it long enough to get to the SPCA in 2 days for a vet check.

Hi Tess,

The best thing you can do for the little one is get her in to a vet. Be prepared to answer some questions. Do you know what type of laxative? Some human laxatives can poison the kit. What did he use to bathe the kittens? Did he use a flea shampoo? Are her stools soft or liquidly? What is Step 2 formula? If it is human baby food alone then that can cause damage.

Heres a link about orphan kitten care. And I'm attaching my recipe for kitty glop. Feed them this. It will help. Also you may have to tube feed the female.

Hopefully she will pull out of this crisis. Read these articles and have her checked out. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen


1 can goat milk or evaporated milk(not sweetened condensed#. Walmart carries canned goat milk by the evaporated milk
2 tbsp. plain yogurt #not low or non fat# Plain Greek Yogurt is best.
2 tbsp. mayonnaise #real not light or No-Fat#
1 tbs. Karo Syrup #light#
1 pkg. Knox unflavored gelatin
1 egg yolk #beaten#
1 cup Pedialyte #unflavored#
1- 2 jars Stage One Baby food #chicken or turkey#
1 can Kitten food, same flavor as baby food

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, baby food, kitten food and syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside. Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.

Add gelatin and pedialyte mix to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well. Remember to not use egg substitute and keep egg white to a minimum.

Pour into bowl #with cover# and set in refrigerator. Glop will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator. Try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and store the cubes in the freezer. Thaw as many as needed.
Always warm glop to room temperature ,#milk form), or a little warmer, before feeding.