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black mouth crust


my cat is about a year and a half old, and recently started getting black crust around the edge of her mouth and on her chin. what all could be causing it and how can i treat it?

HI Amy,

This is probably feline acne (blackheads). It is often caused by bacteria that breed in plastic food dishes, and/or a contact allergy to plastics. So first replace any plastic food or water dishes with ceramic or stainless steel. After each meal, gently wipe your cat's chin with a warm damp cloth. You can also use some dilute apple cider vinegar. I do not recommend using anything else to clean the skin, just a  damp cloth or the cider vinegar is enough without irritating your cat's skin more.

Dry food (kibble) also worsens the problem because it is coated with oils to make it palatable. Switch to a good grain free canned food.

Food allergies can also playa  role - if the above recommendations don't clear it up you may want to try an elimination diet for allergies - eg start with a  canned food with a novel protein like venison and few ingredients - and no grains ever.

More on feline acne: