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Kitten and fleas care


I have a new kitten about 10 wks old, I got her 2 wks ago and have given her 2 flea baths, then applied advantage. I don't see any fleas on her but each morning I wake up, I see little (sesame seed like things) on the bed where she laid. What are these? Are they dead flea eggs? She also scratches her ears alot, are they coming from her ears? What can I do to get rid of these and relieve her of this itching? Thank you.


Hello Gigi,
The specks you are seeing are not flea eggs, they are flea 'dirt' or excrement.  The flea ingests blood and thus excreets blood.  If you add water to these specks, they will become dark orange or red.  I am not sure if you are aware that Advantage washed off with water, therefore must be re applied often.  Frontline, on the other hand,will last through water and even several baths.  This should take care of the fleas on her.  Scratching at her ears may be caused by fleas in the ear canal, or she may have ear mites, a very common malady, but easily cleared up with  over the counter medication.  Look in her ears and see if you see anything like thick coffee grounds looking substance.  If so, then she probably has ear mites.  While I am not a vet, and therefore cannot offer medical advice, I can give you my opinion based on years of experience.
Hope this has been helpful.  Thank you for your inquiry and your intrest in this site!