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I think my cats water broke


I have adopted a sray that is visibly very pregnant now. I have brought her inside a couple weeks ago and put her in her own room to have her litter. I just went in to check on her and her pillow is wet with a clear fluid, I was wondering if this could be her water that broke?

I think that if she had vomited there would be food that came up too.


Sorry for the late reply, hope this is still helpful.  Cat's do have 'water,' but there are other signs that are more helpful in knowing if she is in the early stages of labor.  First she will nest several days beforehand, she will look for a dark, quiet spot to have her babies.  It is usually good to confine them in an area at this point as she may very well chose your bed or couch as that nice cosy spot.  Some cats want to be alone while others want you right there but you will one way or another notice a change in her behavior, you can start to check her teats as her milk will 'come in' about 24hrs before birthing.  As she gets closer there will be many trips back and forth to the litter box before she finally settles in, you will notice her belly will firm up and relax, these are the contractions, she will also likely start to purr as this is a reaction to pain as well as pleasure and things will progress from there.

Good luck with those new babies!
