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Hi Kate, I have a real dilemma and I have no one else to ask who would be capable
of giving an answer like you! I have an adorable 5 year old male tabby and love him
more than anything, he is my pride and joy! However it is kitten season here in
Ireland and seeing as how we (my family) have the resources to give a kitten a
loving home, we want to. The one thing I don't want is for my cats character to
change because I love the cat he is. I love the way he comes running up to my
bedroom door to greet me every morning and the thought of him becoming a
different cat because of a new addition makes me unbelievably upset (I have been
crying for the past few hours). We have fallen in love with this 8 week old smokey
cat but he comes from a foster home with dozens of cats and so would also be
worried that he might catch something and pass it on to Rocky (my present cat).
When we arrived back from looking at the kitten we had various different scents all
over us and Rocky went crazy smelling us and where we have walked, he seems
confused, slightly angry and on edge. He is an indoor cat and only knows 2 other
cats, he loves one and hates the other and lived with another cat superbly for a
short period when he joined us initially at 8 weeks. However he is kind of confused
when the cat he loves comes into his house. I am sorry for the long question but I
need a reply asap! I understand if Rocky might not like a new addition but don't
have the experience myself to know and just need an honest answer from someone
like you, it's fine if you don't think it will work, I just need to hear it because this
not knowing is just killing me! I just love who my cat is and wouldn't change it for
anything, not even a cute little kitten! HELP ME PLEASE!

Hi Debbie
You are asking me an impossible question. As there is no definite right or wrong answer.
Some cats will settle down after a while with a new addition to the home some cats don't and may change there behavior slightly. The trouble is we have no way of knowing what will happen.

I will give you my own personal opinion on the situation, Ok and as i say it is only my opinion.

if it were me and i had even the slightest worry that my cat would not get on with another cat or that i would be very upset if their personality changed at all. i would play safe and not get another kitten. It will not be in any ones interest even the kitten if the home isn't a happy one.

I hope that what ever decision you may that it works out well for you all.

best wishes