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Feral cat gave birth


Hello!  I care for a feral cat colony and one of the cats gave birth yesterday.  I am concerned because she is hidden in a bush with the babies.  So far, I've been able to get two of the cats spayed and my goal is to get more spayed/neutered this year.  I thought about making up a nice box and putting it in the bushes but I am afraid it will scare her and she might leave.  Any suggestions?  Thank you...Daphne


That is a nice thing you are doing!

It's an iffy situation. You can try it, but I personally don't think she will go for it. I would put the box near the cat but let her decide if she wants to use it. Don't pick up the kittens because with the scent of a human on them she may reject them. Too, a feral may not like a box because the mother can't see danger plus it has human smell on it. She probably will move the kittens anyway, but as long as you are providing food, she won't go far. When you are near her do not look her directly in the eyes, that is a threatening gesture to ferals.
