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A friend of mines cat just had kittens.


The momma is only 5 months old. The kittens were born and when i came over to watch the kids there mom had been allowing them to handle the kittens.Is that bad. My mom thinks that the mom will now reject them. I am worried!

it certainly not a good idea to handle the kittens too much during the first week of life as this is when the initial bond between mother and kittens is made. the kitten need to know who is their mum and they do this by scent.
However cats are less likely to abandon their kittens after being touched, it is rabbits that will leave their young if they have the scent of humans on them.

I would just advise the owner to try and not to handle the kittens much during the first week and to allow the mum cat as much quiet time with her kittens as possible. here is my web page about kitten care for your info /kitten-care.html

best wishes