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Old cat gone....


My old boy has been disappeared for 2 days. My young cat had 6 kittens last week. Old boy would never usually go out of the garden, he is 14. He wasn't very keen on the young cat when she came and has been far less keen on her since the kittens came. I am dreadfully worried and hoping for some advice on disappearing old cats when new kittens come in the hope that that is what has happened. Has anyone had this happen to them?

I have walked the block, knocked on doors. checked alleyways, under cars, calling the shelters...

Thank you


Tori, I'm so sorry. Your old cat may have gone off because he was ready to be alone to pass on. He may also have gone off because he needed space while the kittens were coming. You may put out food and water for him, and certainly keep looking into shelters and calling for him.

There's another expert who deals specifically with lost cats, she could definitely help you better than I.