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Norweigan Forest cat grooming

20 16:41:25

Hey Lisa,
I have a Norweigan Forest cat who is beginning to shed a great deal.  He has actually coughed up a couple of hair balls in the last week because of the excess hair.  I am hoping that I won't have to shave him completely, but do groomers do some type of thinning that may help?  Is there anything else that may help?  Thanks.

All the information I found on your breed of cat says that all you need to do is brush it at least once a week to help it shed. It will shed all its long hairs and eventually look totally different for the spring and summer. If it is shedding heavily you might want to brush it daily. Professional grooming is not needed nor is shaving the cat. Your cat is in the middle of a totally normal, natural process. Help it along with lots of love and brushing.