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Pregnancy concern


My Siamese was mated on May 16th and 17th.  According to the pregnancy calendar I found, we should be able to feel the kittens as of Saturday.  So far, we can only feel one kitten.  Is there anything I should watch for??  So far everything else seems normal.  Thanks


I would not worry about number of kittens so much as her having a good birthing experience.  The normal gestation is 65-67 days with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum, so you still have another month or so to wait (remember June only had 30 days).

The only sure way I know to get a handle on how many kittens she might have is an X-Ray, and this is not foolproof.  

As the date approaches, see how she develops and, maybe a couple of weeks before she is due, you may have a better idea.

BTW, the books talk about the average cat pregnancy.  I have yet to have a queen who did it in an average way <ggg>!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.