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my pitbull/boxer is feeding my kitten



Lexi and August
We have a 1yr.old pitbull/boxer breed and she is letting our 8 week old kitten feed off her.  I know that it is not uncommon for this  to happen, but here is what amazes me about the whole thing, we haven't had our dog Lexi spade yet we were waiting the approiate time after she had gone into heat which will the first of next month, anyway she has not had any puppies and when we got the kitten she started      suckling on her and Lexi is now producing milk.  My question is Should we continue to let her feed or stop it.?

Lexi would do this whether or not you had her spayed. She is probably showing signs of a recent hormonal change. She very well might continue to do this after she is spayed, though it is important to let you know that most vets will not fix her while she is producing milk. Lexi may have "false/phantom pregnancy" which is a condition where the dog believes that she is pregnant - it occurs when they are not spayed young (6months or so). The answer could also be that Lexi has adopted August. I wouldn't be too concerned about it unless August is not eating his own food at all. If this is the case, you should seek guidance from your vet as to what your next move should be. If it helps I have a cat who lactates whenever I foster young kittens (under 5 weeks or so), I was assured by my vet that this is common and I was not to worry. I have heard the phantom pregnancy diagnosis for several dogs I knew that were not fixed, if this is what it is you will have to wait until she stops lactating to spay her, your vet will likely give her some pills or an injection to stop her from exhibiting symptoms like lactating. Please do let me know how this turns out, it is certainly interesting, though not unheard of for this to happen. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.