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My cat holds her left paw up


My cat recently started holding up her left paw while in the sitting position.  She walks and jumps normally.  My vet examined the paw and found no obvious problems.  Do you think she is in pain?  What should I do for her?


There is a syndrome called "limping kitten syndrome" which seems to be caused by a calici virus.  It usually runs its course in a week to 10 days.  Usually, the paw is held up due to muscle achiness in the legs.  See if the cat doe not change paws after a while to the right front paw.

If it persists and the cat is showing no other symptoms, I would not worry about it.  Let your veterinarian be your guide.  One diagnostic the vet can do is to give your cat something for pain and if the cat still holds up its paw, then it is doing it because it wants to, not because it has to.

Best regards.... Norm.