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loud cat meowing


I have two cats(mom and her son).I have a baskets of stuff animals from a dog we had that past away.Now our mamma cat in the middle of the night will pick certain ones out and with this horrible long loud meow bring them up the stairs towards our room and drop them. She will only do it when were not in the room. If we call her when she's doing it, she'll drop it right away and come up stairs. What does this mean? I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night to this horrible sound. Thankyou  

sounds to me like normal cat hunting behavior.

Night time is the natural time for cats to be most active and this would be the time they would hunt etc. these instincts never go away and are often accompanied by strange cat sounds.

All you can do is to keep her in one room at night with plenty of toys of her own to play with to keep her happy. Also try playing with her about 45 minutes before bedtime and feeding her some food just before bedtime, this will often help to settle them down through the night.

I have a web page with some ideas about different cat things to keep cats amused in the home.


best wishes kate