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Cats and Babies!!


Hello, I am Tanya. I have a question about cats with babies. I am currently expecting another baby, I also have a 4 1/2 year old. And I have heard different things about cats with babies. I have 2 cats. One's 2 years old and one's about 8 months old. Is it safe to have the cats anywhere near the baby? I have heard that the cats can kill the baby by suffocating it or getting too close and sucking the breath out of the baby. But I heard that they were all myths. And I don't want to get rid of the cats since we had them before I got pregnant. There my babies. I love my cats! Do you have any ideas of what I should do? Will the baby be safe with the cats? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks in advance!!


Hi Tanya,

Those things you heard are old wives tales. The thing you have to remember is that with any animal it is not good to let them near an infant right away. They have to get used to the baby. I would not leave the baby unattended with them. They will most likely be more afraid of the baby than anything else. Use common sense when it comes to your cats and the baby. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen