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my lil kitten


Hello there. thank you for taking the time to help me. I recently adopted a kitten from the humane society. He seemed to be fine, he is energetic and loves to play. There is only a couple of problems though. Since I brought him home his left eye has been watery and he has been sneezing alot. He is approximately 5 months old. At this time I do not have the money to bring him to the vets, but I am planning on it within the next couple of weeks. I feed him Special Kitty and of course he has kitten treats. thank you for ur time.

Hi Cassie,

Your little one could have conjunctivitis, allergies, a cold,a problem with his tear ducts, or an eye infection. The vet will be able to tell you what is the matter. In the meantime just take a cotton ball that has been moistened with warm water and wipe his eye. This should help him until you get to the vet. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen