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I think shes pregnant


Hi Jessica,
I moved into an apartment this spring and have found that there are many stray/feral cats.  Among the many cats I have seen there was one little kitten who has stolen my heart.  She was born sometime in May and she now has a round belly...could she be pregnant?  She looks too little for me.  


Hi Ann,

It's possible for the kitten to be pregnant, although she is extremely young. Most cats don't go into their first heat until around 9 months old, but some are as young as 4 months. If she is pregnant, it would probably be in her best interest to have her spayed immediately. A kitten this young may not survive pregnancy and delivery.

There are other causes of a distended belly, which may include a bad case of parasitic worms or a condition that causes fluid to build up in the belly. The Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Infectious Peritonitis are two diseases that can cause this. The only way to tell why her belly might be so round for sure is to get her to the vet. They can test for the leukemia virus and also treat her for worms. They can determine if the kitten has any other signs consistent with Feline Infectious Peritonitis, as well.

Best of luck!
