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Questions about my new kittens!!


My cat "Piggy" had a litter of three adorable kittens three weeks ago. They are getting really fat and sassy. My questions are simple really. I want to keep them all and I know I can't. Any idea how I can decide which one to keep when they are all so special. Also mom is so possessive with them. They are trying to explore their surroundings and she will not let them. She keeps pushing them back down like she is afraid they will leave her. Is this normal behavior or is she just weird? I guess I have a million questions but this will do for now.  

Hi Tammy!  First off, congratulations on your new little babies!  I'll bet they're just adorable, and it's good that they're getting fat and sassy - that means they're eating well and growing; all the good things that kittens should do!  

Now - for your question.  It's really hard to tell you how to decide which one you would like to keep, as that's a very personal decision.  You'll just know which one is for you when you know.  I know that doesn't help much on that issue, but I'm afraid that's the truthful answer for you.  You'll just know.

Now, for their mom being possessive, that's COMPLETELY normal.  She pushes them back down in the box (or area she's in) because she will have a sense that they are not ready to leave her yet; and she'd be right.  3 weeks old is a little young to be leaving her immediate area.  Mom will know when it's time for them to go exploring on their own.  

I am going to suggest that you get Piggy spayed, as this will prevent you a) having to choose one of the kittens again and b) a lot of unwanted kittens in the world, and there are WAY too many homeless animals out there.

Good luck!