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Considering adopting a dog but worried about cat


We have 3 cats; two that are 1/2 siamese and half tabby (same father) and one that is just a tabby cat.  We recently tried to add a Ragdoll to our home, and the older Siamese mix would not accept her. We tried slow introductions, etc. . . but they just stared at her and wouldn't stop stalking her.  We eventually gave up after a couple months and gave the Ragdoll to a friend.

We're considering getting a little dog, but I'm not sure if we can trust the older cat. We had a small dog visit recently and they were fine, just sort of staring at her. ..

Is it generally easier to introduce an adult or a puppy to adult cats?  


Adults tend to be much more tolerant of younger rather than older additions to the household, si I would think they would be more accepting of a puppy.  The cats are old enough to get out of the way of the puppy, if need be.

Remember, some dogs think cat poo is candy and can get very intrusive when cats are using the litter pan, so it would be best to have the litter pan somewhere the dog could not get to.

Also, it can be difficult, sometimes if the cats cannot keep the dog from eating their food, so you may have to feed the cats somewhere, the dog cannot get to.

As long as the cats will not run from the dog in a panic, the dog will learn to have a healthy respect for the cats.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.