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neutered male cat seeking female?


Hi Jillian,
I feel so silly asking this question but here goes...
My cat is a little over 1 yr old neutered male.  Everyday for the past few wks, I stop by a friend's home to feed her cat and play with HER!  When I come home, even after washing my hands, my cat starts meowing and grabs and bites my hand/arm.  It seems that the female cat left her scent on me and it drives my cat crazy.  If lying on the floor, he bites my legs and tries to climb on top.  Its the craziest thing.  Is this possible, that he is attracted to her scent? Can I make him stop?  I even SHOWER EVERY EVENING TO GET HER SCENT OFF OF ME!  He's fixed and never had the opportunity to be sexual active when he was younger.  The female is also spayed.  What to do?  Thanks in advance for you help/suggestions.  It is so much appreciated!

Clueless in NY!

Stef, my name's Madonna, and I have a neutered Tom who mates with my unspayed female whenever she goes into heat! By rights, he shouldn't, but he does! Your cat does indeed smell the female on you, and for some reason, the smell interests him.

To correct this behavior, I suggest getting a can of Hartz "Stay Off Training Aid" spray. Whenever he claws or climbs on you, spray it at his feet and flick his nose. The smell of the spray, undetectable to humans, is especially nasty to cats, and the flick on his nose will let him know that you want him away!

I hope this helps!