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labour problems


My cat named Snowflake (1 1\2 years old) went into labour on Saturday at 9:37am... and then stalled out after 3 hours. On Sunday she had a couple contraction. Today (Monday) there has been no change in her except that she is being very playfull ( like she was before she became pregnant). She is about 63 days pregnant and looks like she should pop ANY DAY. Is this normal for a first time mother? Do I need to take her to the vet a.s.a.p.?If I don't need to take her to the vet... when do you think she might pop?

Hi Andrea, when snowflake was in labor for 3 hours did you notice any discharge ?? If there was no discharge then I would not be too concerned at this point. If there was discharge or if there is any discharge  now, then I would take her to the vet for a checkup. Otherwise if you do not see any discharge I would not be too concerned. And some cats can take up to 69 days until they deliver. Teresa