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i have an adult female, got a new kitten


My female is 3 years old (she's fixed) i just got a female kitten, about 7 weeks old, will my cat hurt it?

Probably not, but you need to introduce them carefully. I hope you haven't done so already.

First, keep the kitten in a separate room, like a bathroom, for 24 hours. Give it its own box, dish, etc.  Then put it in a carrier and let the older cat into the room (do NOT let the kitten into the older cat's territory) and let them sniff through the carrier. Don't be concerned about hissing. It is normal. But if there is growling or yowling, take the older cat out, wait a few hours and try again. If/when they can spend 10-15 minutes together without anything other than hissing, you can open the carrier and let them get acquainted. They won't be friendly right away. Usually it takes a week to two weeks for a resident cat to accept a new one, but sometimes this happens more quickly with a kitten.

Hope this helps and good luck.

B. Iris Tanner
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