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My cat has a mean streak


I got Xena when she was 7 weeks old. She was a very cuddly kitten but became distant as she got older. She did not want anyone to touch her unless they were trying to sleep(then she demanded the attention). The only person in the house she took to was my 3 year old son. She is usually nice even though she acts skiddish around my husband and myself during the day, but there are rare times when she seems to get mean for no apparent reason. She will hiss or act violently towards us. Is there a way to curb her mean streaks? I love her and do not wish to get give her up, but I have children(a son and a daughter on the way) and cannot risk their safety.  


Is Xena spayed? If not, this may be the problem.  If she is coming into season, she can have the behavioral changes you describe.  If there is a medical issue, and the cat is in discomfort, this kind of behavior can also occur.  It seems that in either case, a visit to the vet is warranted.

Please let me know what happens.

Seasonal regards... Norm.