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Nesting box for a cat


Hi Norman!  My female cat is due to have kittens soon.  I have provided her with a nesting box inside of my closet. (made adequate space for her, the box etc.)  My worry is that she will not use it.  She's the type of cat where noise doesn't bother her.  I can vacuum quite close to her until she eventually leaves, but she's not skittish at all.  Her favorite spots to sleep are here on the main level of my home. I have 4 children so it can get quite noisy.  I worry that she'll be more comfortable under my couch and give birth there, where I have very little access, thus cannot provide much care should she need it.  Should I move her nesting box to a corner down here?  I had a nightmare that she gave birth on the cold floor in the basement, thus prompting my questions and fears. Thank you!


You may want to confine here to the room where the closet is. This will help make sure she uses her birthing box.

A mistake many people make with a cat nearing delivery is to let the queen have free range of the house.  Ideally, you should pick where you want her to have her kittens and not give her the opportunity to pick another place.  Once the kittesn are born, she may not be so cavalier about the noises and the children, so you may want to limit access for kids and other pets for at least a week or so.

Please let me know how she does.

Best regards... Norm.