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How To Keep Cats From Jumping On Car


Hi, Jessica.

I have five cats, who are mainly staying outside now. They have a pet door where they can come inside to get warm or cool, though.

I can't keep the cats from jumping and sitting on my car, which stays in the garage. (My mother-in-law even gave me a plastic snake to set on the car, but that didn't scare them).

If I look outside and see one sitting on the car, I get my squirt bottle filled with water and attack. One old, white Angora female hears me opening the door and runs. She comes back after she thinks the coast in clear (lol).

I feel guilty stalking her, but it's embarrassing when I go to Wal-Mart, and my car is covered in cat hair, with pawprints all over my car and windshield! This white cat is the worst offender.

I have some pet beds inside and out, but this cat just likes sitting on the car.

Hope you have a solution!



Hi Jan.  The only real solution would be to keep the kitties inside.  Aside from that, the only thing I can imagine that may possibly work is to use an ultrasonic barrier to keep her away.  Here's a good one:

But please don't use shock collars, which are cruel.  Companies who sell them don't like to use the term "shock," so they'll disguise it by saying the collars gives a "mild correction."