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Panting .. ?


my cat just gave birth yesterday morning .. its her first litter and she had ten babies, two died. one was rejected by her im pretty sure and the other one was deformed and didn't survive :( but my real question is she keeps panting alot and im scared somethings wrong. i have her an the babies in a big roomy box with plenty of circulation, food and fresh water on hand for her.. im scared shes in pain and doesnt know what to do.. its 3am and i cant make it to a vet till atleast 9 .. will she be ohk over night?

thank u for your time


In this situation the sooner you can get Mommy AND her babies to the vet the better because something is obviously not right. It's possible that your Momma has more babies inside that she can't give birth to naturally or that there's something else going on since she's obviously clearly uncomfortable. My suggestion would be to have Momma spayed as soon as you can so that she never has to go through this again - in other words if the vet has to do a caesarian today have her spayed at the same time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
