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cat keeps pestering my wife


My cat seems to enjoy pestering my wife. Every time my wife sits in the living room my cat likes to come over and nibble or claw at her. Usually she doesn't do this very hard so it doesn't seem like a aggressive action but she is starting to bite harder my wife says and obviously it bothers my wife. We play with my cat usually 3 to 4 times a night for about 10 to 15 minutes generally. We got Our Cat about a year ago at a animal shelter and she was about a year old then so she is probably about 2 years old now. We don't know what breed she is though she does have many characteristics of a Maine coone but we are not sure. she just recently started to do this so it hasn't been happening very often. if you can help i would greatly appreciate it.


My suggestion would be to have your wife play with your kitty until the kitty is absolutely tired (laying on her side panting lightly is what you're aiming for). Try interactive toys like Neko Flies or Da Bird because these toys look and act like prey so they will hold your kitty's interest for longer periods of time. If you consistently play with your kitty to the point of her being tired all in one session and then give her a meal or a treat she will play, eat then bath herself and go to sleep - the kitty mantra of sorts. If the behaviour persists even after a few days of this I would suggest having your kitty checked by the vet just to be sure that there's no medical cause for her to be playing with your wife this way... Failing any medical cause being found in the kitty a check up for your wife might be an idea because there is quite a bit of anecdotal evidence that sometimes our pets are sensitive to changes in our bodies and pick up on things earlier than we might... Ultimately it sounds like your kitty is just aiming to get your attention and going about it the wrong way so some concentrated attention in the form of a good long play session that lasts til she's tired should settle things down if you're consistent about it. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I am more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
