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My Cat is a chicken....


Hello! I have a kitten/cat that I got in September/05, and she is way too shy! She's not a mean cat, because she never hisses or bites, but whenever anyone comes close to her, she runs under the bed! In the night, she'll jump onto my bed while im about to go to sleep, and she loves to be pet then, but she doesnt like to be carried, and she runs again! Now it is June/06, and she's still acting the same! My parents are thinking of returning her, so can you please tell me how I could improve her behaviour in a small amount of time? Thank you very much!  

Hi Usman,

Basically cats are like human beings. They each have their own characteristics. Some are shy while others can be very sociable.

Cats' most active period will usually be during the night. You can try training your cat when she's purring and through play. Do the same thing/action repetitively until she's comfortable with it.

Eg, when you are carrying her and she trys to run away, get hold of her until she stops struggling then you let her go. Do this repetitively until she gets the message.

Hope the above helps.
