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Kittens dying


Four weeks ago my mum cat gave birth to 5 kittens. At around 2 - 3 weeks one kitten stopped eating, slept all day, was very limp and then died that night. Now about two weeks later another kitten has died, we're not sure how, but we think it may have been bitten by a rat. We found him this morning dead, and we are now concerned for the rest of the kittens. Another is already getting limp and refusing to eat, she has what looks like a small bite on her hind leg, and is painful for her. Help!


You need to find a way to secure the kittens so that they are safe from any kind of vermin. The odds are whatever is in the saliva of whatever is biting these kittens is very toxic and there is not much you can do after they have been bitten. Have you had any of these kittens to your vet to see if they know what may have bitten them?

I am sorry I cannot be of more help.

Best regards... Norm.