Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Greeting



QUESTION: I just brought home my 1 year old neutered cat from my ex-boyfriend's house. I have an 8 year old neutered male cat and a female dog here at my mom's house. I have my 1 year old in my room with all his stuff. Is it normal for him to hide under my bed?


Yes, this is perfectly normal. Changing households is fairly traumatic to a cat, since cats have more affinity with territory than with people.

Usually, if you leave him alone and ignore him until he makes the first move, he should come out from under the bed in time.

Are you going to introduce him to the rest of the household pets?

Best regards... Norm

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My 8 year old cat and my dog both met the new cat. The 8 year old cries at the new cat and the new cat doesn't really do anything, just ignores it. The new cat and dog seem to get along by minding their own business. Is it normal for the 8 year old to be crying at the new cat?


I am not sure what you mean by "crying", but if there is not hissing, growling, or "banshee" types of yowls, I would not be worried at all.

Are the cats both neutered or spayed? If not, this may explain what is going on. If things are relatively peaceful, I would not worry about it unless things begin to escalate.

Best regards... Norm.