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Over eating cat


I have an 8 year old cat that has always had an overeating problem. I recently got a kitten and I found out that the older cat was eating most of the kittens food. I started feeding them is separate rooms, but I want to know if there is anything I can do to help her stop overeating. Any suggestions?


The first thing that comes to mind is that your older cat simply likes the kitten food better due to the fact that it has more protein and is more palatable than senior or adult food. Since this increase in appetite is sudden it may be wise to have your vet check your older cat for reasons like a thyroid issue or possibly even diabetes. Once you rule out the medical possibilities you are left with the fact that your older cat simply likes kitten food better than her own. If this turns out to be the case the only thing that you can do is feed the kitten separately behind closed doors until he/she is older and doesn't need kitten food anymore. As for your older cat, if she is overeating even with her own food and no medical issues are present then you may find it useful to switch her to an indoor or senior formula. The reason that this idea might work for you is that these foods tend to be much higher in fibre so your cat will feel full sooner and not gain weight. The downside of this is that many cats find these foods less palatable than regular adult foods because they contain less protein. Good luck with your older cat. Hopefully I was able to give you some helpful advice to start you on the right track. Your vet may be able to offer more specific advice tailored to your situation. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.