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adult male cat with newborn kittens


I had one adult female and 2 adult male cats. About 5 weeks ago, I adopted a stray, pregnant, all white female. My youngest male, Casper (all white) has seemed fascinated by her.8 days ago, she had 6 healthy kittens. Suddenly, today, Casper has become obsessed with the kittens. He is licking their bottoms, and sometimes seems to be biting them around their necks, however, they don't seem to mind. Neither does their mother, Pearl. Now Casper is laying in their 'nest' with Pearl and the kittens, but we are worried that he may hurt them. Should we leave them alone, or separate them?

Hi Elaine,

Is Casper fixed? I'm asking this because sometimes unfixed males will try to hurt the kittens so the female will go into heat again and he can mate with her. If he is fixed then just keep an eye on him. He may just be doing the good uncle behavior and helping the mom. I have a male like that. When I bring a stray kitten in he takes care of them. He cleans them,plays with them and punishes them. He's sorta like a surrogate mom. Your Casper may be just like that. As long as the mom isn't worried then I wouldn't be. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen