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Cats injury swollen


My cat has been very lethargic. Not too far from his neck and windpipe I felt a large lump. I located a black sore. I applied a compress. When I did this the sore bled a little.The cat
is now under the bed hiding from me as this caused him some pain.What is this ? What should I  do?

It's hard to tell what it could be without actually seeing it.  I would watch him/her and if the pain continues, or if still lethargic, a visit to the vet would be in order, especially if he/she doesn't eat.  However, you may have opened a sore that relieved the pressure and your cat may do ok.  Give him/her a chance to settle down, then clean the sore with peroxide.  Squeeze it a little to empty the sore of any pus/infection. Clean it well, then watch him/her.

God Bless,