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Moving house, cats not going to toilet


Hi Becky,

This is my first time using this site, I hope it all goes well! Thanks in advance for any help you can pass on.

I have just moved house and have taken my 3 cats with me. I have had two of them since they were kittens and they are happy using a litter tray. But the third one (splodge) was a stray that just started living with us. She has never used a litter tray, and simply doesn't "get it".

We are keeping them indoors for a couple of weeks as per the vet's advice, so I am worried about splodge's toilet activities! I bought a harness to try to walk her outside but she really doesn't like it at all.

In hope of a poo-free carpet!

Many thanks,


HI Natalie,
When you are not home, confine your cats in a small room like a bathroom, along with food , water and litter pan.
By doing this, it will force them to use the litterbox, and Splodge will probably follow the lead of the others.
When you are home, watch her closely.  If she starts to sniff around a spot and start scratching, take her to the litter pan.  Do not hit or rub her nose in it, if she makes a mistake!  This does NOT work with cats.  Also, it is highly doubtful that walking her on a leash will get her to "go" outside.  If you stick with it, and watch her when you are home, she should start using the box.  I have had many people ask about this, and have had much good luck with this way of training.  Cats are very smart, and they do not like change, so once she starts using the box, she should continue. With three cats, though, you need to keep the box clean. Some cats will NOT use a dirty litter box.

God Bless and good luck!