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feeding issues


I have a calico kitten, approximately 5 1/2 months old.  She was rescued and I have had her for about a month.  She has been to the vet and given a clean bill of health and has her shots.  Yes, she is a true calico,  and pretty psychotic at times.  The one thing that that drives my crazy is her eating behavior.  She is very picky.  I give her a bowl of dry kitten chow every day and a small serving (1 spoonful)of can food in the am and pm. We have tried friskees, nine lives and iam's.  she will eat a bite of two and then rake her dry food over it and then rake the whole mess onto the floor like she is trying to bury it.  I have tried withholding the moist food and at those times she will not eat the dry food, just cries.
She also refuses to drink water out of a water dish.  But watch out if you have a glass or cup of anything; she dives right in and drinks whatever you are (coffee, tea, soda, water, etc).  I have tried putting her water in a large coffee mug and even giving her ice cubes.  She isn't having it.  She wants what you are drinking.  Any suggestions please


No self respecting kitten ever starved itself to death.  However, she has discovered she can manipulate you by her feeding habits.  It is much harder to get your kitten over being spoiled than spoiling her to begin with,

I am afraid you will have to be hard hearted and insist she eat what you give her and let it be known that is all she will be getting.

If she does not have your glasses and cups to drink from, she will eventually drink the water from the dish you have for her.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.