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Breed of Cat?


Hello-I got a kitten from a local shop, She was 3-4 months old when we got her. She is probably about months now.
She Gray,white,Light browns, some blacks, Similar to a tabby in markings. She has tufts coming out of her ears. They are very long! She also has long hairs coming from between her "toes". She has a "double" layer of fur. Very long, she has a large full neck, and long full tail as well, it is the length of her body. I have lots of pictures of her that I can send to you for further Identification. What do you think?


Without pictures, it is really hard to identify the breed.  I would love to see a couple of pictures and hazard a guess about what may be behind your kitty.  In the USA and Canada, the indigenous long haired breed is the Maine Coon, which has many of the traits you are pointing out. However, many long haired cats have these identical traits, so it would help for me to see the body and head structure of this cat.  Also, some idea of her age and size would be helpful.  (I know you meant to put her probable age in, but it is missing from the question.)

Best regards... Norm.