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Cat ran away?


Okay, I have a male cat who is under a year old. Majority of the time he is an indoor cat, who goes outside almost frequently to "do his business". My mom let him out the yesterday morning %26 he has yet to return. It is like 10 degrees or colder out %26 snowing. I am worried sick about him. He usually goes over to the neighbor's where there a lot of cats. I looked for him over there, around the streets, and spent many countless hours calling for him. I set a food dish outside %26 also keep opening %26 closing the garage door which he usually responds to. I looked around the road and ditches just in case he could've been hit but no sight of him. Do you have an idea if he could be coming back, if something happened?

well I can't say for definite of course as anything could have happened. perhaps even someone else took him in out of the cold.

It is not unusual for cats to go on a extended explore and be away for  days and sometimes weeks and often they will return once they are done.

keep doing what you are doing. perhaps ask around to see if anyone has seen him or to ask them to check their shed etc in case he has got locked in somewhere. put posters up if necessary.

i have a web page with more info on things to do.


Don't worry just yet, cats even young ones are very good at looking after themselves and finding cover etc.

i hope he is home soon

best wishes kate