Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > KITTEN SICK AFTER SHOTS



Hi there,
I have given my kittens their shots over the years I recently gave my two newest kiteens (10 weeks old) their shots, 1 is doing just fine the other one is lethargic and running a slight fever and wants to sleep, is this normal? I am at work and worried sick about him, he is normally quite playful.A friend of mine said some kittens do this and then pull out of it within 48 hours. he is not vomiting or acting in distress and he does eat.

Hi Cindy.  It is possible.  All vaccines prompt an immune response, and if the response mounted is stronger than usual, a low-grade fever can result.  As long as he is eating and the fever isn't above 103, you can watch him for another day or two.  But if the fever is higher than this, he has any other symptoms, or the symptoms continue for more than a couple days, then I would get him in to a vet.  Sometimes while the body is busy building an immune response to the vaccine, another germ will sneak in and get him truly sick.  In that case, antibiotics are likely needed.