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Too many cats


Ok,  I adpoted a feral kitten from my work (male)  He is very loving to me and has it made at my house.  I let him go outside on a daily basis, but he brings home fleas from his surroundings as well as a friend!!!  Another male.  I was told to bring a female cat home so that he might be more aptt o stay inside.  Well I did... He was not happy!  Now he is tolerating the female. They are the same age.  Both my cats are fixed and are very welcome in my home.  My problem started when My cats friend the feral decided to dart in my house.  Now I am feeding 3 cats.  I can't keep him from coming inside because he sits and yowls at the front door.  I then feel guilty.  He eats a ton... poops under the bed... and so on... Is there anything I can do?  what is best.  My cat doesn't have a problem with his friend being in the house like he did when I brought the female home.  Is this true frienship...  The feral I think is jumping on my female because she had some open sores on her back... What do I do?

well what can i say,it really is a decision for you to make. if the cat is a feral and you don't want to adopt it then perhaps you should see if a homing center will take it. if not then you will just have to make a very strong effort to keep him out of your house and not feed him.

Regarding the fleas on your cat. Are you treating him every month with the drops on the back of his neck? and treating your home for fleas too. if your not then you will keep on getting a reoccurring flea problem I'm afraid.

Have you had the male kitten neutered? If not then that could be causing him to stray further and be aggressive to your female cat.

having a female cat in the home is not a solution to keeping your cat from straying, it just doesn't work like that I'm afraid.

I don't know really what to tell you as you have to make all the decisions, i cannot tell you what is best for you and your circumstances. If you decide to feed the other feral cat then you are taking on the responsibility for that cat and should have him neutered and vaccinated as well.

I hope you can find a solution to your problem soon.
