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Cats eyes are red


My 1 year old cat Rupert was healthy until recently. Two weeks ago his left eye became red and had a discharge. We brought him to the vet and were told that he has pink eye, and that his cornea was not scared. We have been giving him drops and now both eyes are red and he is sneezing. What could be wrong with him?! I love him sooo much. My dad found someone throwing kittens out of a van and my dad saved him. He was 3 weeks old and I helped nurse him back to health. As you can see this cat is not going without a fight!

Hey !

Sorry to hear that your cat has conjunctivitis/pink eye. Pink eye is an inflammation sometimes caused by or accompanied by infection of the membranes that line the lids and cover part of the eye, its very common with cats so you shouldn't worry to much. Pink Eye can affect one eye alone or both simultaneously. Sometimes there are severe cases of pink eye were the eye becomes very swollen and the vessels of the sclera are very prominent, but mild pink eye may clear without treatment. Since you say your cat is now sneezing this is dangerous because the problem could be something other than pink eye. Cats that have pink eye more than seventy two hours  that includes sticky discharge as well as other symptoms such as sneezing and coughing should be examined by a veterinarian who can determine whether antibiotics are needed. So since your cat has other symptoms along with pink eye I suggest you take him to the vet if the vet says nothing is wrong I suggest you find a new vet.  Hope I helped. I hope your cat gets well. Email me back with an update if possible.