Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > male castrated cat looks like he is spraying my clothes

male castrated cat looks like he is spraying my clothes


Hi. I have a 3 years old cat called Diabolo. He was castrated when he was a kitten. But lately, I have observed strange behavior. He stands over my clothes in the same position than when he has a poo and purrs. Can you please tell me what this is about? I do not notice any wet patches or any smells. He has always been very close to my boyfriend Richie and never paid me too much attention. So why does he do that only on MY clothes?

If he is squatting, then he's not spraying.  When male cats spray they will stand on all fours, back up to wherever they want to spray and their tail will go straight up.  Even though you are not noticing any wet patches I would still take him into the vet to rule out the possibility of a urinary tract infection.
