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fleas/ worms?


i have 4 cats, and they all have fleas =[. we've tried giving them cat baths with baby shampoo or flea solution shampoo, they are still scratching and now, where ever they lay down, little black worms fall off them, do you know what it could be? and how do we get rid of them?

the best way to get rid of fleas is to treat all your cats with the spot flea treatments available from the vets (frontline etc) this prevents them from breeding and also protects the cats from some cats worms too.

As for your current situation with such a severe infestation you will have your work cut out for you in the next couple of weeks. You will have to treat them with the spot on treatment and also powder them with special flea power to kill of the existing fleas then you will have to groom them daily to get rid of the dead bodies and eggs etc.

At the same time you will have to treat your whole house thoroughly other wise the infestation will continue. You may have to do this several times over the next few weeks.

I have several pages about how to tackle fleas both on your cats and in your home which you may find of use too. here is the first page


I am sorry to say that this can be quite time consuming but is the only way to get rid of these nasty pests which can also damage your cats health if left.

I wish you all the best, I have been through this myself.

best wishes kate