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cat still suckling at five months


Our little calico, female, 5 mos. old, spayed and declawed has suckled herself ever since we brought her home.  She usually starts it whenever she lies down, especially in your lap. She has a sister who lives with us and does this only occasionally.  The suckling one purrs very loudly while this is going on - so I'm thinking it's a comfort thing.  Is there anything I can do to discourage this - or will she outgrow it?  Otherwise, she is a happy, loving cat.


This behavior often can be exhibited by cats who were removed from mama at too young an age.  Some outgrow it and some do not.

You can check with your vet and see if they have something you can put on the area she suckles that will discourage the behavior.  If they suggest bitter apple, I would pass as some cats develop a taste for that stuff (yechhhhh!).

Best regards...  Norm.